Computer network architecture|types|peer-to-peer, client server| advantages and disadvantage



What is Computer Network/Definition:

computer network is a collection of interconnected devices, such as computers, servers, switches, routers, and other hardware, that are connected to each other to share resources and exchange information. The interconnected devices use a set of protocols to communicate, this allows them to share resources, communicate and collaborate with one another and with users. 

Architecture of computer network skills arena

Types of computer network structure or architecture:

There are two main types of computer network architecture: 

1)    peer-to-peer (P2P) 

2)    client-server.

1)  Peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture:

In a peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture, each device on the network acts as both a client and a server. Each device can share its resources, such as storage and processing power, with other devices on the network, and can also access resources that are shared by other devices. P2P networks do not require a central server or administrator, and are often used in ad-hoc or informal networks, such as home networks or file-sharing networks.

Advantages of P2P architecture:

1)  No need for a central server or administrator, which can make them less expensive to set up and maintain.

2)  Decentralized structure makes them less vulnerable to single point of failure.

3)  It Can be useful in situations where devices are mobile or not always connected to the network.

4)  It can be scalable to a large number of devices.

Disadvantages of P2P architecture:

1)  Security can be more challenging since there is no central point of control.

2)  Since there is no central point of control it can be more difficult to manage and monitor the network.

3)  Quality of service can be affected by the capabilities of the individual devices on the network.

4)  Performance may suffer when many devices are sharing resources at the same time

2)  Client-server architecture:

Client-server architecture is a distributed computing architecture in which a central server is responsible for providing services to a number of client devices. The clients request services from the server, which processes the requests and returns the results.

In a client-server architecture, devices on the network are divided into two main groups:

 clients and servers.

 Clients make requests for resources, such as files or services, and servers fulfill those requests. Servers are responsible for managing and storing resources, and for providing access to those resources to clients. Client-server networks typically have a central server or administrator, and are often used in more formal or organized networks, such as business networks or the internet.

Advantages of client-server architecture:

1)  Centralization:  The client-server architecture allows for the centralization of resources and data, making it easier to manage and maintain.

2)  Scalability:   The client-server architecture is scalable, which means that it can be adapted to accommodate an increasing number of clients and services.

3)  Security:   By centralizing data and resources, it makes it easier to implement security measures to protect against unauthorized access.

4)  Flexibility:   The client-server architecture allows for the separation of concerns, which makes it possible to develop and maintain the client and server components independently.

Disadvantages of client-server architecture:

1)  Single Point of Failure:   The central server is a single point of failure, which means that if it goes down, the entire network can be affected.

2)  Dependence on network:   The clients rely on the server for services, if the network connection is lost, the client will not have access to the resources.

3)  Security Risk:   The client-server architecture, if not configured and secured properly, can be vulnerable to cyber attacks, making it important to implement security measures.

4)  Limited mobility:   client-server architecture is not as suitable for mobile devices that may move in and out of network coverage.


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Created by-- HARSH CHAUHAN

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