Three schema architecture of DBMS | Skills arena


Three Schema Architecture Of DBMS

The three-level schema architecture in database management systems (DBMSs) refers to the way in which the internal schema, the external schema, and the conceptual schema are organized and related to each other.

It shows the DBMS architecture.

Mapping is used to transform the request and response between various database levels of architecture.

Mapping is not good for small DBMS because it takes more time.

In External / Conceptual mapping, it is necessary to transform the request from external level to conceptual schema.

In Conceptual / Internal mapping, DBMS transform the request from the conceptual to internal level.

The main objective of three level architecture is to enable multiple users to access the same data with a personalized view while storing the underlying data only once. Thus it separates the user's view from the physical structure of the database.

Internal schema: 

The internal schema is the lowest level of the three-level schema architecture and defines how the data is actually stored on the physical storage media, such as hard disks or solid-state drives. It includes details such as the data types of each field, the storage structures and algorithms used, and the physical location of the data on the storage media.

External schema: 

The external schema is the middle level of the three-level schema architecture and defines how the data is presented to the users or applications that access the database. It specifies the logical structure of the data, such as the tables, rows, and columns, and the relationships between the data.

Conceptual schema: 

The conceptual schema is the highest level of the three-level schema architecture and defines the overall logical structure of the data in the database. It hides the details of the internal and external schemas and presents a unified view of the data to the users or applications.

The three-level schema architecture allows for separation of concerns and helps to ensure the integrity and consistency of the data in the database. It also allows the DBMS to change the internal and external schemas without affecting the users or applications that access the database.

Three schema architecture of DBMS | 3schema architecture| explain three schema architecture of DBMS| architecture of three schema| schema architecture| Schema | internal schema, external schema, conceptual schema | DBMS schema


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Created by-- HARSH CHAUHAN


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