Convert ER diagram to table | SKILLS ARENA


 Convert ER diagram to table

To convert an Entity-Relationship (ER) diagram to a table in a database, you will need to follow these steps:

Identify the entities in the ER diagram and create a table for each entity. Each table should have a primary key field, which is a field that uniquely identifies each record in the table.

Identify the attributes for each entity and create a column for each attribute in the corresponding table. Each attribute should have a data type, such as integer, text, or date, that specifies the type of data that it can store.

Identify the relationships between the entities and represent them using foreign keys. A foreign key is a field that references the primary key of another table. For example, if you have a "Customers" table and a "Orders" table, the "Orders" table might have a foreign key called "CustomerID" that references the primary key of the "Customers" table.

Here is an example of an ER diagram and the corresponding tables:

ER Diagram:

ER(Entity Relationship) model convert to table in database:


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Created by-- HARSH CHAUHAN


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