Relationship of higher degree in DBMS|SKILLS ARENA



DBMS higher degree of relationship

In database management, a relationship of higher degree refers to a relationship between three or more entities. This is in contrast to a relationship of lower degree, which is a relationship between two entities.

Higher degree of relationship

There are several types of higher-degree relationships that can exist in a database, including:


 This is a relationship in which one entity is related to many other entities. For example, a customer can have many orders.


This is a relationship in which many entities are related to many other entities. For example, a student can be enrolled in many courses, and a course can have many students.


This is a relationship in which many entities are related to a single entity. For example, many employees can be part of a single department.

Higher-degree relationships can be represented in a database using a combination of tables and foreign keys. For example, in a many-to-many relationship between students and courses, you might create two tables: "Students" and "Courses", with a third table called "Enrollments" that contains the foreign keys "StudentID" and "CourseID" to link the two entities.

Higher-degree relationships can be more complex to manage than relationships of lower degree, but they are an important part of many database systems and are often used to represent real-world relationships between entities.


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Created by-- HARSH CHAUHAN


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